Monday 30 December 2019

Do Something Different in 2020!

Cup of coffee, pen, notepad, laptop keyboard, 52 Ancestors in 52 weeks

Are you looking for inspiration, motivation, focus in your research for the coming year?  Maybe 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks can help.  It’s not a programme, not necessarily a commitment (at least not to anyone but yourself!) – it’s simply a tool you can use to search for, write about, organise, or photograph someone or something in your family tree.  

Perhaps your research notes have been piling up over the last while (it's OK, we all suffer from this 🌝), or you’ve been meaning to sort through some family memorabilia.  Use Amy Johnson Crow’s #52Ancestors prompt as a reminder to yourself – and then share what you do or find.  Amy suggests:

“You can blog, post on your favorite social media, send an email to your cousins -- whatever you want to do to share something about that ancestor. The point is to get you to take that knowledge that you have and the discoveries that you've made and get them out of the filing cabinet/computer/pile of papers and do something with it. How you share it is up to you. (If you do post something on social media, please feel free to use the #52Ancestors hashtag!)”

You can learn all about the idea and sign up for the free prompts at Amy's website - but it’s entirely up to you how you decide to use it. You could continue for a short time and then set it aside, permanently or temporarily.  You might be inspired to begin another, more personalised family history activity or to take your research in an altogether different direction.  What matters is that you feel motivated to start, maybe by doing a simple thing like sharing a photo with a relative – which could spark a conversation about your family.

Meanwhile, if you're looking for some instant inspiration, check out my previous blog post of quick-fix, moneysaving bite-size family history activities.

However you decide to continue working on your family tree in 2020, I wish you every success and hope you’ll return here often for more ideas and inspiration to help you.  Happy New Year!

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